
Posts uit juni, 2011 tonen

1640.020khz at 0310utc 27-6 Peru the new name of the station is RADIO KALIKANTO, with slogans: "desde chamaca-chumbivilcas para el mundo" "una radio para confiar".

Thanks to Thomas N ,Max.V.A. and Torolf J.

1190khz J594 CBN, Natal Brazil 15-6-11 0302utc

Thanks to Rocco C. for help the ID

Logs on the tropical band this weekend 11-12----6

5120.240khz  2358utc  Ondas del Suroiriente  ,Quillabamba  Peru    Nice Peru songs and comments by male in Spanish   fair   4986.400khz   2359utc   Radio Manantial ,Huanta  Peru    Weak but fair Spanish  ,by male +ID     4974.790khz  2356utc   Radio del Pacifico ,Lima Peru   ,Spanish music  .Later ID  Pacifico     weak   4955khz    2358utc     Radio Cultura Amauta Huanta  Peru    Spanish   Cristiana program  ID as " Cultura Huanta"   good audio and signal   4950khz   2356utc  Radio Madre de Dios ,  Pt   Maldonado  Peru    Typical music from Peru  at 2359utc weak talks by male  ID ?   4939.980khz    2359utc   Radio San Antonio ,Vi...