Posts uit 2010 tonen
My new AOR 7030 ,to only listen to certain frequencies, including middle-east direction
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YVKE Mundiale Caracas Venezuela 550khz ,at 0605utc 14-10
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1290Khz , at 0606utc YVLF Radio Puerto Cabello Venezuela 6-10
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New web URL from Ken Baird ,He is a good friend of mine
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555khz , 0555utc ZIZ St.Kitts Basseterre Caribbean
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1140khz ,0544utc WQBA Miami FL With 12khz filter in SAM
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Bit more info on the Edirol
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This week bought the Edirol UA-25EX, external sound card. It gives a tremendous boost to the low levels (stations), connection is done via USB 2.0.There are many settings, installing automatically adjusts the internal sound card, and can have your through the Edirol recording (of course you can still use your old settings). Is this worth the purchase? and you value for money? Certainly this is worth it for a driven DXer, who hunts in distant stations! . The price is around 200 euros, of course, make yourself ......... much or not much! Is this at the same use with the regular receiver? Certainly, by many connections, this certainly scenes but otherwise with very good results (tested with the R &S EK02) Decision, I also bought the Edirol for mobile use (headphone amplifier) and easy to use, the clarity has improved 20%, tested with old audio files from last Monday (Perseus)
Article from Guy Atkins ,about the Edirol UA -25 EX
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I bought the Edirol UA-25 EX external sound card, with many features. Especially good for weak signals
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VOCM St. Johns NL 590Khz , 0547utc Very clear ID
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1390khz WEGP Preque Isle ME 0516utc 24-9 Above the splatter
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1570Khz at 0530utc Bethel Radio ,Lima Peru ID on 19-21sec. ""Bethel ,frecuencia Celestial""
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CNR1 The Voice of China on 1539Khz at2200utc 17-9 and 19-9 .With Chinese talks by female ,on 19-9 China melodie
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980Khz 0505utc HJES RCI Cali Colombia splatter from 981
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1190Khz HJCV Radio Cordillera,SF de Bogota Colombia 0525utc
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This are the resistor 500 Ohm ,its for a Bog antenna from 500 meters long
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The place where I live ,the yellow button is my qth
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Logs on the MW from the 3 last weeks
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1470,00 WLAM Lewiston ME USA 17-8 00.56 Oldie s chanel 1510 WWZN Boston MA USA 17-8 00.59 Full ID 1520 WWKB Buffalo NY USA 17-8 0.100 ID Buffalo chanel 1540 CHIN Toronto ON CAN 17-8 0.102 Talks show CRI 1521 CRI,Urumqi CHN 17-8 1755 Typ. Intro melodie for CRI 1539 R.Diffusion Vision DJI 17-8 2124 African music // 4780 1539 VOA R.Aap Ki Dunyaa UAE 17-8 2200 This are VOA news 1539 IRIB Yazd IRN 17-8 2228 Intro tune weak 917 R.Gotel Yola NIG 17-8 2236 VN talks 1566 All India R. Nagpur IND 17-8 2246 Local songs 740 R.Soc. Da Bahia Salvador B 18-8 2335 Brazil music and info in Pr. ID "Salvador" 1220 R.Globo Rio de Janeiro B 18-8 2336 ID "R.Glo...
HJTG R.Maria Barranquilla Colombia 1580khz 0515utc 12-9
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1280khz HJKN R.Unica SF de Bogota Colombia 0500utc 11-9
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1450khz HJNL La Carinosa Manizales Colombia 0505utc 11-9
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HJCA Capital SF Bogota Colombia 1250khz 0500utc 11-9
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660khz WFAN New York NY 10-9 0500utc Sport station
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Link voor YOUTUBE Netherlands Antilles 800khz 29-8 0500utc
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Netherlands Antilles 800khz national anthem 0502utc
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Logs van de laaste dagen op de MW
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1470 WLAM 0056 1510 WWZN 0059 1520 WWKB 0100 1540 CHIN 0102 1521 CRI 1755 1539 Djibouti 2124 1539 VOA 2200 1539 IRIB 2228 917 Gotel NIG 2236 1566 India 2246 740 R.Soc. B. 2335 1220 R.Globo B. 2336 1130 WBBR 0331 1190 WLIB 0408 1400 CBG 0415 1620 WDHP 0430 1560 WQEW 0431 1010 CFRB 0431 1500 R.2000 VEN 0435 1470 WLMC 0301 1670 CJEU 0431 1470 HCYL2 EQA 0437 1620 CMBA 0333 1500 WFED 0405 740CHCM 0415 1030 WBZ 0310 1180 Rebelde 0320 1570 CFRS 0340 1650 CJRS 0401 73, Maurits
1470khz HCYL2 R.Ecos de Naranjito Equador 0436utc 21-8
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nieuw filmje Indonesie op 9525+khz klik op de link
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Hier mijn logs van afgelopen maand.Klik en download
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Klik op de link voor Radio Djibouti 1539khz 2200utc
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Hier het certifficaat van LRA36 Antartica 15476khz
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Hier enkele opnames van mijn Schotse DX vriend ,Ken Baird
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Condities op de middengolf 9/8
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Uitzonderlijke goede condities voor de tijd van tjaar op de MW ,met hulp van enkele buitenlandse DXers ,kwamen we er toch deze namiddag uit wat betrefd het ID van onderstaande stations . 1070khz LR1 Radio El Mundo ,Buenos Aires Argentina 0404utc SS talks by male about Argentina id El Mundo 1520khz HJTL JC Radio Bogota Colombia 0408utc SS pop songs 1580khz HJQZ Radio Maria Barrranquilla Colombia 0404utc Religious talks in SS and music id as Maria 1280khz HJKN Radio Unica Bogota Colombia 0408utc (tentative ) SS talks by male 1400khz HJKM Emisora Mariana Bogota Colombia SS news about Colombia by male 0411utc 1450khz HCNL La Carinosa Manizales Colombia 0413utc SS music and id as La Carinosa 1370khz...
Winradio nog niet toegekomen ,hier een antwoord van Winradio zelf
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Dear Mr. van Driessche, I am the Product Manager at WiNRADiO, and I apologise for any inconvience caused to you. > I pay my money more than one moths ago for the G31 DCC. But I receiv > nothing ,are this normal .?Im from Belgium .I ask the dealer here in > Belgium ,he tell me ,the Excalibur coming direkt from Australie .Im not > sure. Can you please give me the name of the dealer you have purchased the WR- G31DDC? It is possible that there has been some misunderstanding, and that your dealer acted in good faith by expecting our delivery in a few days. However, due to the unexpected high demand for the new Excalibur, we have experienced a shortage, and some of our dealers are at present still on backorder. We hope to rectify this fairly soon, with another production batch being scheduled towards the middle of this months. I hope this has helped to put your mind at ease. If you have any problems with your dealer, please let me know. Kind r...
Hier een signaal van het station Antartica LRA36
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Logs 25/7
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6035khz , 2259utc LV Guaviare ,S.J. Guaviare Colombia SS music Full ID at 00.00utc by male as" Guaviare" fair 6009.752khz , 2301utc LV de Tu Concencia ,Lomalinda Colombia SS ID "Concencia " fair 6019.294khz ,2300utc R.Victoria ,Lima Peru SS speech by male and full ID as" R.Victoria" and 9 th. symphony by Beethoven (short) fair 6155.355khz , 2303utc R.Fides ,La Paz Bolivia SS news weak 5921.294khz , 2301utc R.Bethel ,Arequipa Peru Religion talks in SS by male weak 73, Maurits
Nieuwe SDR ontvanger opkomst de Winradio WR-G31DCC
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9564.568khz , 2053utc Super radio Deus a Amor ,Curitiba Brazil Strong and clear Pr. talks by male ID Voz do Brazil 9629.920 , 2058utc R.Aparecida ,Aparecida Brazil Pr. talks by male and female good 9645.355khz ,2112utc R.Bandeirantes Sao Paulo Brazil Pr. talks by male and female splatter China 9640 9665.120khz ,2120utc R.Voz Missionaria ,Florianopolis Brazil Pr. talks about Brazil good 10.000khz 2130utc Observatorio,Rio de Janeiro Brazil time pips ID Observatorio fair 11749.890khz , 2137utc R.Voz...
Hier een nieuwe aankoop ,de Hallicrafters SX122
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Hier kunt u enkele videos bekijken van mijn hobby
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