Shortwave logs from the past days

FREQ Station, Location ITU Date UTC Lang Details SINPO
6010.08 Radio Inconfidencia B 28-06 0430 PR About Brazil ,audio just out the noise 32222
5939.88 R.Voz Missionario ,Camboriu B 28-06 0440 PR Phonecalls and Ids nice program 33333
5909.91 Alcaravan Radio ,Pto Lieras CLM 28-06 0445 SP Andrea B. song ID and talks 33322
6120 Super Radio Deus e Amor ,Sao Paulo B 28-06 0452 PR About the culture 32222
6175 Voice of Vietnam via Cypress Creek USA 28-06 0502 V Vietnamese talks +ID 44433
6180 Radio Nac. Da Amazonia Brasilia B 28-06 0510 B Many Ids ,and phone talks strong 44444
15415 Radio Australia ,Sheppparton AUS 28-06 0537 E About Nelson M. //15515 ,15240 ,17750 44444
11660 Radio Australia ,Sheppparton AUS 28-06 1715 E About a new network 44444
9615 Radio New Zealand Int. ,Rangitaiki NZL 28-06 1757 E Nice pop songs and ID 43333
9514.98 Radio Marumby ,Curitiba B 28-06 2058 PR PP talks by male ,best with phaser 33322
9565.04 Super R.Deus e Amor ,Curitiba B 28-06 2058 PR Speech in Portuguese +ID 43333
9629.95 Radio Aparecida,Aparecida B 28-06 2112 PR Talks about Brazil , Aparecida ID 43333
9645. 408 Radio Bandeirantes,Sao Paulo B 28-06 2120 PR Portuguese talks in splatter 42222
9819. 14 Radio 9 De Julho ,Sao Paulo B 28-06 2124 PR talks about Sao Paulo splatter from 9820 43222
11764 813 Super R.Deus e Amor ,Curitiba B 28-06 2131 PR Talks by priest strong 44444
11780 Radio Nac. Da Amazonia Brasilia B 28-06 2135 PR News from Brazil and Amazonia ID 44444
11854.94 Radio Aparecida,Aparecida B 28-06 2145 PR Nice songs from Brazil 33332
11894.95 Radio Boa Vontade,P.Alegre B 28-06 2151 PR Weak Portuguese talks no ID heard 32222
15189.88 R.Inconfidencia,Belo Horizonte B 28-06 2155 PR Weak Portuguese talks 32222
5970 Radio Itatiaia,Belo Horizonte B 29-06 2125 PR Sport info by male 32222
6059. 80 Super R.Deus e Amor ,Curitiba B 29-06 2140 PR PR comments by male not strong but fair 32222
5980 Radio Chaski ,Urubamba PRU 30-06 2237 SP SS comments by male with music in the 32222

,background ,best with phaser


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